Out and About: Wednesday, December 2, 2020

I decided to take a ride around in the outback of The SnK Wildlife Reserve. Having not been out for a little over a week because of the three inches of much needed lite rain and colder temps, I finally made it out.

Needed to check on the feeder baskets I made to cover the new seed slingers, and had to do some modifications to one because the raccoons found a way to work around it. I added a small piece of hardware cloth to one side, along with can pull tabs to work as washers, to keep them from pulling the screws loose. Its worked so far, as the feeders were still half full. Those 50 pound bags of seed aren’t cheap!

Also made it around to check the in-ground water basin added several years ago, looks great and clean. Saw a few Doe here and there, then headed around to some of the deer stands, where I spotted more Doe. I ended up seeing fifteen total along with one yearling!

Next I went on up to what we call Cactus Hill, which always has unusual plants growing there. Along a few tire tracks, that seem to hold water longer than usual and stays muddy for quite awhile after rains, I noticed a number of interesting tracks. Several I could ID: Bobcat, Hog, Turkey, Possum, and Coyote.

Later I spotted some unusual seed pods hanging on a vine in a fence line. It’s an interesting vine for sure. The pods are elongated and starting to turn brown, with insides reminding me of corn silk! After doing some plant research decided they are native passion vine, wish I could have seen it in bloom to know for, will have to check it closer next year.

Almost forgot, while out I checked on the Woodpecker boxes that we recently put up. I found that one’s being used, evident by the poop inside. I hope it’s Woodpeckers!

Hope everyone makes some time to get out and enjoy nature, its a great time of year to get out and see wildlife and interesting plants.

Selena, the K in The SnK.

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