Happenings, and Upcoming: Apr. 27, 2021

Howdy, Everybody!

Last week was busy, with prep for the upcoming field day, on May 6. The SnK is welcoming folks from Texas Parks and Wildlife, Native Prairie Association Board, and area chapters, with possibly others attending.

With that, we’ve been prepping by trimming trails and other odds and ends. Along with that, we had 4 folks from Texas Parks and Wildlife come out, two days, so we were busy.

Technicians came out to survey the front field were we had done a planting, and two biologists came out out to look around the place, as well as present us with a recognition sign for our conservation efforts. That sign went up on the old cistern at the front gate.

We rescued this old cistern from the pond out back, where it had laid on it’s side for years. We have no idea how old it is, but found a good use for it. It graces the front gate, with some additions that we are proud of.
Selena cleaning out the ground basin that we put in, years ago.
TPWD biologists, Amber and Tye, looking over the Saline Prairie remnant, with Selena.
TPWD technicians, Alex and Sydney, surveying an area of the “Front 40” where we planted native grasses and wildflowers, in 2017.

That’s it for now, but there will be a lot of pics and more to report after the field day.

Until next time, Peace!

Keith, the K in The SnK.

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