Rains Bring Out Beauty at The SnK: June 3, 2021

Well, many times we pray for rain at The SnK, but not right now. In fact, we’re praying for it to hold off until July. Yeah, it’s been wet for a while.

The SnK had gotten 8 inches in the last two weeks. The rain has been great for the growing stuff, as well as adding water to the front pond, and gullies. We do love rain, but can stand to do without for a while.

Oh well, it is what it is.

With all the rain things are green, and blooms abound, so here’s a few pics Selena has taken recently.

Cow Pen Daisies

Mexican Hat

Native Milk Weed about to bloom

Native Monarda

With the rains perking up the place, it also has wildlife on the move. Selena has noticed quite few lizards of late, so she’s decorated the gate in their honor.

The Lizards at The SnK are not quite as colorful as these, but beautiful to say the least.

Seeing more Turkey out and about these days.

According to Turtle Ladies, Serena Bryant Daniel (Selena’s Sister), and our Daughter, Tiffnie Schindler Gonzales, this is a Yellow Eared Slider.

That’s it for now. We sure hope that Texas dries up a bit, but will enjoy the green for now.

Until next time, Peace! Keith, the K in The SnK

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