New Water Feature a Success, Both Visually and in Providing for Wildlife

I recently had a concrete trough installed as a water feature here at the SnK outside of Cuero Texas, along with a seating area and fire pit area.

The installation was done by Edge Landscaping, in Victoria Texas. Edge Landscaping has done a lot of work here and I’m very pleased with the work of Clint, Robert, Kyle, and crew have done.

It was really something to see them unload this trough. Maybe the country look is not for everyone, but I’ve not been disappointed in this feature at all. I added a planting of Water Lilies and Louisiana Iris, and so far I’ve had numerous dragon flies that have fledged from this trough.

Dragon flies eat mosquitoes and other insects, along with providing food for fish and other things in the water. Their using the trough also indicates good water quality.

I’ve only added the Iris and minnows to this feature, choosing not to add a water movement feature, as I want to attract birds as well. So far I’ve have no problems with mosquitoes as the minnows are taking care of any larve.

Selena The S in the SnK

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